International Experiences
IP students must complete a minimum of 26 weeks of active engagement abroad (studying, working, and/or researching) on Georgia Tech-approved international programs or internship/research opportunities. The 26 weeks must be completed within two academic terms. One term must be a semester, and the other term can be either a semester or summer. The terms abroad do not have to be done in the same year, but they must be coherent.
All international plans are subject to approval by the major IP faculty representative, the International Plan Manager, and, when applicable, a Global Internship Advisor and/or the IP faculty representative of School of Modern Languages. Students wishing for their international experiences to count toward the IP requirement must complete and submit the International Experiences Approval Form prior to departing for their term(s) abroad.
Students wishing to complete the international experience requirements with a non-Georgia Tech sponsored program may do so with the approval of the IP faculty committee. To request approval, complete and submit the International Plan Petitions Form.
Need help planning coherent IP International Experiences?
- The Recommended International Experiences page is a great resource that provides examples of coherent international experiences for major and language combinations.
- Make an appointment with an advisor in OIE to learn more about your overseas options.
- Be sure to speak with the IP Manager in OIE and your major's IP faculty representative before committing to any programs.
- If finances are a concern, check out OIE's Scholarships page.
Registration requirement while abroad
Students must be registered at Georgia Tech during their terms abroad, including for work and research terms. If unsure of how to register, you can contact the program leader of your program, the OIE advisor who oversees the program, or the an OIE advisor who works with GRIP. If you have questions about using a non-GT program for the IP or are not sure if you want to count an experience for the IP, please contact the IP Manager.
Summer programs
Only one summer program may count toward the IP's international experience requirement. Note that a summer program plus a semester abroad may not add up to twenty-six weeks, so check with your abroad advisor on the length of the programs.
Bridges/Extensions: Students may choose to follow a summer faculty-led study abroad (FLSA) experience with a fall semester program (e.g. exchange or internship). If a time lapse between two consecutive terms occurs, students may request permission to "bridge" the two terms with appropriate structured time (generally consisting of an independent research project overseen by a GT faculty member) in the same host country or linguistic region. Bridges may only be created in conjunction with FLSA programs, are available at the discretion of the FLSA program director, and must be approved by the student's IP faculty representative. Students should plan far in advance if they desire to do a bridge and speak with the program director/coordinator of the FLSA program.
Global Research and Internships
Global Research and Internships are a great way to complete part or all of your required 26 weeks abroad for the International Plan! Extensive resources exist on the Global Research and Internship Programs (GRIP) website. Remember, global research/internships are not guaranteed - students still have to find, apply for, and be offered a placement - but many students secure opportunities each year. Here are some tips to get started:
- Start early! Sign up for the GRIP Newsletter to stay informed of upcoming opportunities and deadlines.
- Explore different internship opportunities and check out where past students have interned from your major
- Attend a "How to Find a Global Internship" workshop - numerous workshops are offered each semester and specific details can be found in the "Events" section on the lower half of the GRIP website
- Read about IP students who have interned abroad on the GRIP Testimonials page. Look for the yellow "IP" star!
- Make an appointment with a GRIP advisor early on in your planning