Value of the International Plan
"I could not imagine my college experience without Georgia Tech’s International Plan. The IP...has set me apart from other candidates during interviews, given me something outside of my major to be passionate about, and has been [something] incredibly fun and exciting to be a part of during my college career."
- Isabella, B.S.B.A. 2020
Employers Agree
"Having a significant level of international experience is viewed by industry as a requirement for consideration. Even in the recent past, international experience would have been a differentiating factor, but today this is a must-have. If a candidate cannot work well globally, his or her chances at gaining employment at a multinational corporation are slim. I look for candidates who have traveled extensively and preferably worked in a foreign country in an internship or co-op. Beyond that, I also want to see candidates who think globally. This frame of mind is one open to new experiences, open to travel, open to diverse cultures and diverse thinking, and most importantly, one with a strong natural curiosity."
-John Fowler, ISS Technology Development, Lexmark International
Customize Your IP
The International Plan is a highly customizable program. Students choose to focus on a particular country/region or specific academic/professional topic, select their IP language, choose to study, research, and/or intern abroad, and pick globally-oriented courses that fit their interests and schedules.
Below are some examples of students' plans. The question is...
What's YOUR International Plan?