Planning Out Your IP
Planning ahead is integral to successfully completing the IP. Please speak with the IP manager AND your academic advisor as soon as you join the IP to begin planning out how you will fulfill the various components of the IP.
The below resources are designed to assist you in your planning.
Roadmap to Completion

First Years
- Begin/continue language courses (if needed)
- Consider IP section of GT 1000
- Take one or two globally-focused courses
- Start planning 26 weeks abroad – attend OIE open houses and Study Abroad Fair
- Attend Induction Ceremony in Sept.

Second Years
- Continue language courses (if needed)
- Potential 1st term abroad – complete the IP form before you go!
- Take one or two globally-focused courses
- Decide on international experiences to complete the 26 weeks

Third Years
- Complete language requirement (2002-level)
- Complete 1st and/or 2nd term abroad – complete the IP form before you go!
- Take any remaining global coursework

Final Years
- Take IP Capstone
- Take any remaining global coursework
- Submit IP Degree Designation form at beginning of graduating semester
- Take the ACTFL OPI if seeking language distinction