Globally-Focused Coursework
International Plan students must complete a core set of courses that address international issues and transcend students' majors. It is advised that students take these prior to going or while abroad. The courses must be credit bearing and be taken for a letter grade. AP credit cannot count toward this requirement.
Courses include:
- One course focused on international relations historically and theoretically.
- One course that provides a historical and theoretical understanding of the global economy.
- One course that provides familiarity with the country or region where a student completes their international experience and that allows the student to make systematic comparisons with their own society and culture.
- An IP capstone course that allows IP students to integrate their International Plan experiences into their discipline.
Please see the Georgia Tech Catalog for the full list of courses approved to fulfill the above requirements. Only one 1000-level course may be used to satisfy the three globally focused courses. The other two courses must be 2000-level or higher.
IP students are encouraged to choose courses from the IP-approved list to fulfill their major's social sciences, humanities, and/or electives requirements, thereby completing their major's requirements and IP requirements simultaneously. IP courses may also overlap with minor or certificate requirements. AP credit may not be used to fulfill these course requirements.
If a student feels that a course could potentially count towards the globally-focused course requirements, they may use the petition/appeal process to request an exception.