IP Globally-Focused Course Requirement and Registration
IP students will take three globally-focused courses (in addition to a senior-level culminating capstone course). These courses are meant to help you analyze complex global issues as well as to provide a broad academic foundation to contextualize your international experiences. It is our hope that your IP globally-focused courses will double count for other major and degree requirements such as Social Sciences, Humanities, Ethics, and Economics. In some cases, IP globally-focused courses can also be used toward minors and certificates. It is imperative that you consult with your advisors to confirm which courses can satisfy which requirements. IP students will take one course from each of the following categories:
- International Relations
- Global Economics
- Course pertaining to the country or region of the international experience(s)
The full list of approved IP globally-focused courses can be found in the GT Catalog: https://catalog.gatech.edu/academics/special-academic-programs/international-plan/.
Some courses are taught on a regular basis, while others are only taught occasionally. Prior to each registration period, a short list of IP-approved courses being offered in the upcoming academic term(s) is published at https://ip.oie.gatech.edu/IPCoursesNextTerm.
Important Notes
- Don’t put off taking the IP globally-focused courses! Try to take at least two during your first and second years.
- These courses must be taken for a letter grade. Do not take them as pass/fail or audit!
- AP credits cannot be used to satisfy this requirement. Transfer credit may be used in certain cases.
- Only one 1000 level course may be used to satisfy the globally-focused course requirements. Thus, if you take a 1000 level course for the International Relations requirement, you must take a 2000/3000/4000 level course for the Global Economics and Country/Region course requirements.
INTA Course Notes
International Affairs: INTA policy is to restrict core classes during certain semesters. No exceptions are made to this policy. If a class is restricted in a given semester, you are encouraged to find an alternate class or register for the INTA class in a semester it is not restricted.
INTA 1110 (IR requirement) - Restricted to INTA majors only in fall; open to all majors in spring
INTA 2040 (IR requirement) - Restricted to INTA majors only in fall; open to all majors in spring
INTA 3301 (Global Econ requirement) - Restricted to majors only in spring; open to all majors in fall
You are encouraged to look for one of the many INTA electives that are NOT restricted but still meet IP requirements. If you have questions about INTA courses, please contact the INTA department.
Global Economics Category Notes
The Global Economics category requirement includes courses in various departments, including ECON, HTS, INTA, MGT and others. MGT 3660 (International Business, managed through Scheller College of Business) will be restricted to non-majors until the Monday of the last week of registration at 9am. Additional information can be found at https://www.scheller.gatech.edu/degree-programs/undergraduate/student-services/registration-support.html.